Jeffrey "Luche" Lucero


Jeffrey "Luche" Lucero was born in Manchester, NH to a mother of Mexican and Native American decent and a father of Irish and Scottish decent, he grew up in federal project housing and other underserved inner city neighborhoods.

Though he raised himself with a tireless work ethic and eventually learned his way through college, graduating from Univeristy of NH with an undergraduate degree in Psychology and from Southern New Hampshire University with an MBA in non-profit management.

For twenty years he worked as a crisis counselor in various underserved neighborhoods, many of which he grew up in.

While he no longer counsels professionaly, his interest and intention has always been to continue sharing with others as we all work through our own personal struggles, challenges and obstacles...striving to live our best life.

This work is his effort to do just that...but from behind the curtain this time.

It is his sincere hope that you, the reader, will find something of value in the words and concepts he shares.

Truth, Love, and Patience above all else...

Jeffrey "Luche" Lucero
Aphantasia Blind in the Mind
Aphantasia: Blind in the Mind: With special reference to Mental Senses
Aphantasia is derived from the Greek word "phantasia", which translates to "imagination", and the prefix "a-", which means "without"".VIEW ON AMAZON
Aphantasia Blind in the Mind
The Secret of Unicorns: MSP, Aphantasia, & The Law of Attraction
Join me on a fascinating journey into the mind of man revealing a hidden secret that has been in your sight for centuries.VIEW ON AMAZON
Aphantasia Blind in the Mind
Social Capitalism Manifesto
Now is the time for real change that is inspired to help the majority of our population not the minority and most wealthy population. VIEW ON AMAZON
Aphantasia Blind in the Mind
Mental Sensory Perception & Aphantasia
Aphantasia is derived from the Greek word "phantasia", which translates to "imagination", and the prefix "a-", which means "without"". VIEW ON AMAZON
Aphantasia Blind in the Mind
Tesla: Interview with a Genius
Nikola Tesla was the most brilliant and daring inventors and visionaries throughout history. His inventions are obviously significant to mankind and were 50 plus years ahead of their time. As he widely acknowledged, he wasn't necessarily working for his current society as much as he was preparing a future society; a future which he knew he wouldn't be alive to see. VIEW ON AMAZON